I personally played Overwatch for about 3 days, (that one free weekend where all the noobs got on, including me.) and let me tell ya, it was a ball. A lot of my friends don't like Overwatch for a couple of reasons, there's tons of hype, then you have those people who are against the bandwagon and hate the memes...
Then there are people like my dad (Yes, my dad) who played for a few days, he had an amazing reason to why he wouldn't get the game. Being a dedicated FPS player, my dad didn't like the idea of Overwatch, he said it was too tatical for him. He had amazing reasons that had me realize that Overwatch is a prodominant teamwork game. I didn't figure that out until I was one day picking my favorite character, Sombra, and I noticed a little side bar highlighted in yellow that stated, "Few Healers" and I was like...'Why does it even bother telling our team that?', but later I figured out, without Lucio or Mercy, we were pratically surviving off of Soldier 76's many biotic fields. Another example of teamwork that I recently just got was that the call out, "Group up with me!" actually meant, 'Come over here and lets work together!' Now to a noob who plays hours of Battlefront, and uses the term, "Over here come on!!" just for fun, I spammed the saying in Overwatch, and as everyone came around me while I was playing around with that button, I later realized that I might have beenthe biggest troll to my own team.
In a regular FPS, like Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead or Halo, everyone's ready to charge in and get the most kills, not spread out in formation to snipe on the roofs of Dorado or tag behind Reinhardt. It's kind of like a strategy game that is a couple steps up from Tf2. Every player plays a huge part in the game, and if one player decides to be screw up, then the whole team can be set to fail. Being strategic and intricate about every move you make on an FPS is why my dad wouldn't get Overwatch, and I felt that would be the reason for a lot of other people too. Another reason my dad stated, is well, there aren't any OP, (Overpowered) characters or OP guns, except Hanzo, one shot with his futuristic arrows, and you're dead, (some might agree that D VA is op too). All of them are UP, (Underpowered).
Pretty sure Blizzard did that on purpose to get everyone to work together as an OP tem, instead of one person on a 30 kill streak (which happens anyways, so Blizzard, you really didn't avoid it). I tried Widowmaker for the first time, I love snipers, and I was like, 'Why does my gun feel like it's shotting out air.' It was kind of like that with all the characters to me, I wanted that OP fire power and either I wasn't good enough, or overall that's how the game is made. That's when I started to love the game even more, I liked the idea of figuring out what character would be best for my team. But, that thought occured on the last day of the trial...sucks...
Techinically I can say the free weekend screwed my chances of getting Overwatch, since my pops didn't quite favor it like he thought he would, but I've been trying to convince him. He's knows I'm a gamer, who loves to state my opinions and passion of the games I play. I made him see a different view of the game through my passion of the character build ups. With the trailers, you would think Overwatch was a movie instead of a video game. I personally like all the stories of each character, and how they came to be as a whole, that's how I got into the game in the first place. My favorite story would have to be Hanzo and Genji, I know, such a common one for everybody, but that's the first trailer I saw of the game, and that made me want to play as Genji, even though I suck with everything Genji. But seeing his story and Hanzo's emotionally made me want to play as those characters, it had me itching to do their ultras, man those are amazing.."RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAUU!!!" Im sorry. Anyways...the emotion of their backstory made me want to slay with Genji, and because he looked cool too.
Oh, another favorite trailer, Bastion's, I've never played as Bastion, but he is the cutest robot ever, and his lil' companion makes him even better. He makes the funniest sounds! Ok back to the point, character stories helped me like Overwatch even more than I already did, knowing my
characters really enlighted me to actually get into tge game. One day I will get Overwatch though, and I will learn each and every character so I can kick butt.
But I got to say, Overwatch, as much as it is fun to play, it is very fun to watch, it's one of those games that I don't mind watching for a whole day, seeing how each person plays their way, and how good their teamwork is. It gives me new ideas for when I play next, what I want to do, and how I want to do it. Like, right now, I want to play so bad, im internly screaming inside with hype! It's all strategic, and that's one of the things I really like about the game. I think if you play League of Legends, you would like Overwatch, or even Plants vs Zombies, just with guns...Other than that, Overwatch and it's countless memes are perfectly fine with me!
In a regular FPS, like Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead or Halo, everyone's ready to charge in and get the most kills, not spread out in formation to snipe on the roofs of Dorado or tag behind Reinhardt. It's kind of like a strategy game that is a couple steps up from Tf2. Every player plays a huge part in the game, and if one player decides to be screw up, then the whole team can be set to fail. Being strategic and intricate about every move you make on an FPS is why my dad wouldn't get Overwatch, and I felt that would be the reason for a lot of other people too. Another reason my dad stated, is well, there aren't any OP, (Overpowered) characters or OP guns, except Hanzo, one shot with his futuristic arrows, and you're dead, (some might agree that D VA is op too). All of them are UP, (Underpowered).
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This is very true

characters really enlighted me to actually get into tge game. One day I will get Overwatch though, and I will learn each and every character so I can kick butt.
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I'm so Overwatch trash |