Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Overwatch: More to the Hook

Roadhog, Ana and Sombra's New Tweaks

SO!! We just experienced a major event with Blizzard and them highly nerfing some of everyone's favorite characters in Overwatch. I'm guessing they saw that some of their fans caused an uproar and did some a couple of tweaking with Ana, Sombra and Roadhog. Here's what we have from the web.

Roadhog's Hook:
  • Added some more line of sight checks towards the left/right of a potential hook target. This means it should be easier to hook someone who is sticking halfway out of a doorway, or behind a thin pole, etc. These checks are also used for the persistent line of sight check, so if a hook target moves behind a slim object like a stump or a lightpole, they won't be released anymore.
  • Hooked targets are now slowed heavily while they are stunned, even if they are in the air. This means if someone is strafe jumping away from you and you land a hook, they are a lot less likely to slide out of line on sight, breaking the hook.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow you to hook someone and pull them behind you if you spun around before the hook landed.
Now, this all means that the hook will now grapple people that are sticking out of a doorway or behind a tree or pole. So basically if you see them, they well be hooked. That's more fair, thank goodness. Also no more, "Hookin' 180 Drop Off", meaning hooking someone then immediatly throwing them off a cliff, that was so annoying, and trollish. Haha, glad they fixed that. So Roadhog's hook is way more fair, he's not too bad now.

  • Biotic Grenade duration reduced from 5s to 4s
Honestly, another minor change for Ana, I think we can all say this. She's barely getting hit, which is the way I like it. I love Ana and don't want to see the old grandma get changed too much to where she's completly useless, like another spider we know...I MEAN sniper.

  • Hack cooldown reduced from 12s to 8s
Mah girl Sombra is rising up! I'm glad they decided to buff her. So we're hacking people even faster now that the cool down has made a drastic change from 12s to 8s. I honestly cannot wait to hack everyone on the battlefield, then turn invisible and let my team finish it off. Sombra was my main since she was introduced some time ago, now she's becoming even better. Everyone who looked down on Sombra, well, watch your backs and don't get hacked!

I'm happy to say that these new changes left me satisfied. They're looking amazing, and I hope alot of you were excited with them as well! I can't wait to play with the update. Leave your opinions on the new content below!

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