Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Is Efi the 24th Hero?!

SOOO! We have got some more news on what might possibly be the 24th Overwatch hero and her name is Efi Oladele! Released today was an interview of Efi, where numerous questions were answered by her! Now, why would Blizzard release this random content? Well, she must be someone right??! What we know from Efi based on the interview is that she's from Numbani, just like Doomfist, and she's an inventor who's also 11 years of age.
Efi Oladele
So there she is, I have to say I love the character design for her, when I first saw the picture I thought she was a princess, but that's just me. According to the interview, she likes to build drones, and they did chores and helped around the house. She also said that she wanted to make the world a better place, hinting at the fact that she might be a hero! Thing is, she's 11, not sure she can fight at that age, kinda don't want to see a little girl die on the battlefield either. So in order to have her fight, maybe she will have some whack invention robot to help her. Like she said:

"I want to create things that make our lives better. And someday, my dream is to build something that can keep us safe, like the new OR15s! I think that would be great."

She wants to make the world a better place, which kinds of gives me her ideas for battle. She'll have a huge robot to help defend her, and maybe drones as her ult! Oh man, it all sounds too good in my head. Now another question that I have: What the heck is an OR15?! Obviously it's not her invention because she says, "Like the OR15s." So she's reffering to them as something that she wants to create one day, possibly similiar to whatever helps her in battle. On another note, the origins of Numbani; we all know very well that it is a peaceful environment for Omnics and humans to live in harmony, so a robot out of Numbani is expected from out Numbanian Efi! But still no idea on the OR15s, never heard of them before. I'm stumped guys. I'm going to have to do more asking around and reasearch on all the kinds of robots in Overwatch, or I can wait, but it's going to take too long! I'm not sure when they're going to release the new hero, but that little interview has hyped the Overwatch community!! I can't wait! I'm going to say though, Little Efi is super adorbs! And I cannot wait to see her role in Overwatch!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Doomfist? Or no Doomfist?

The idea of Doomfist is dying out around the whole Overwatch community as Jeff Kaplan (Game Director) has unleashed some juicy information for us to make our own theories of the new 24th hero. We saw the Doomfist in the payload of Nubani, we've seen posters and all kinds of new clues, and even that Terry Crews was playing his voice! There's no other hero to think of then Doomfist, until yesterday when Kaplan sent out  a bit of a hint that more heroes were coming out, and "24 is not who you think it is." Well, lets be honest, all of us thought that Doomfist was the next hero of Overwatch, and that's to be expected due to all the leads Blizzard was giving to us. Now that we have another lead that the new hero isn't Doomfist, then who the heck is it? Well we have other heroes that Blizzard could be working on such as Leal, Soundquake, Athena, and others. Guys, has anyone seen the art on Overwatch, there re TONS of unfamiliar characters that we haven't seen in gameplay yet.

This guy, Leal was one of the founders of Overwatch, and could possibly be the 24th character since we haven't seen him in the game yet considering all the other founders are in the game.

We have Soundquake, who was mentioned in the short video where the kid in the orange totally mentions Soundquake. Soundquake sounds like a pretty cool name. Might be a tank, like Doomfist wouldv'e been a tank. It would be cool to have a new tank, we only have 5, but then we only have 4 support characters. So a support or tank character would be the ideal image. We did recieve Ana not too long ago as support, but again, we only have 4.

There is Athena, who is the voice of Overwatch that you hear when you win, loose, enter a board, or 'Attack commencing in 30 seconds'. If that didn't help you know who I am talking about, she's Winston's AI that helps him do the amazing. In one of the overwatch pictures we do see a female robot, well we see alot of unfamiliar faces in that picture, but Athena stands out, because she's not faded away in the background, we can actually see her. She might be a new support? I'm not sure. Anyways, in all the official Overwatch art, there are new faces that we haven't seen in gameplay, so there are numerous of possibilities of all kinds of new characters that I cannot wait to see.

Again, the possibilities are so great, and Kaplan said they're working on a plethera of new heroes, so yes, there's going to be the New 24th! But there is also going to be a 25th, and 26th! There's going to be a bunch of new heroes, and am I excited!! Tell me your theories on the new hero! I want to know!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Overwatch: Bastion PTR

If he wasn't annoying to you before, well he's about to get really ugly in this new update!!! It's time for the big buff for Bastion, the cute and lovable robot that everyone hates, atleast I do. Walking into a room and brutally getting shot down by a merciless Bastion is the worst. Getting mauled while he's in recon mode is totally embarrassing. And his horrific ult that kills everyone around him is just annoying. If you thought Bastion was OP, he's getting worse. For some reason, the developers had this crazy Idea to buff him in the most insane ways! In my opinion, Bastion was perfectly fine to me, now he's kinda better. I just got done playing some whack PTR modes, and man these people are creative with their board making.

Here we have Bastion's info from Overwatch web:

  • Bullet spread increased by 50 percent
  • Deploy time decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.0 second
  • Bullet spread is always at maximum (it no longer increases as the weapon is fired)
  • Magazine size increased from 200 to 300
  • Headshot damage multiplier has been removed
  • No longer deals critical damage
  • Bullet spread decreased by 25 percent
  • Magazine size increased from 20 to 25
  • Can now be used while moving
  • Now bound to secondary fire (formerly Ability 2)
  • No longer interrupted by taking damage
  • A new resource meter has been added that deplete while Self-Repair is active and recharges when not in use
  • No longer grants bonus armor
Bastion has a new passive: Ironclad
  • Bastion takes 35% less damage while in Sentry or Tank configuration

'Doo woo?' No Bastion, you're not cute anymore
Things that were hella different with Bastion; Well let's see, we have a Soldier 76 gun now, quicker getting into turret mode, and of course everyone's heard of the walking and healing yourself. I mean, if a Mei tries to take you down, all ya gotta do is heal yourself every now and then while she's freezing you then shoot her with that gun of yours. You pretty much have taken her down. Any weak gun will not take him out and that was before the buff, now, it's less likely. I find the buff a little too big, and in all honesty, Bastion isn't a defense character anymore, he can freaking kill in recon mode, so, get ready to to get shot down by this giant. 

!You're in the big leagues now!
All I did was walk around and shoot down my enemies, and not to mention, if he didn't heal himself with his ult activated, he does in PTR. I'm not sure if he did before thousgh. Me not being a Bastion main wouldn't know, but I did heal myself as I was in my ult blasting everyone's limbs off. I say, don't get too close to the edge with the new Bastion, nor do you want to come in contact with too much of Reaper or Mcree. Stay away from the explosives, and heal yourself to the max now :)!!