The idea of Doomfist is dying out around the whole Overwatch community as Jeff Kaplan (Game Director) has unleashed some juicy information for us to make our own theories of the new 24th hero. We saw the Doomfist in the payload of Nubani, we've seen posters and all kinds of new clues, and even that Terry Crews was playing his voice! There's no other hero to think of then Doomfist, until yesterday when Kaplan sent out a bit of a hint that more heroes were coming out, and "24 is not who you think it is." Well, lets be honest, all of us thought that Doomfist was the next hero of Overwatch, and that's to be expected due to all the leads Blizzard was giving to us. Now that we have another lead that the new hero isn't Doomfist, then who the heck is it? Well we have other heroes that Blizzard could be working on such as Leal, Soundquake, Athena, and others. Guys, has anyone seen the art on Overwatch, there re TONS of unfamiliar characters that we haven't seen in gameplay yet.

This guy, Leal was one of the founders of Overwatch, and could possibly be the 24th character since we haven't seen him in the game yet considering all the other founders are in the game.
We have Soundquake, who was mentioned in the short video where the kid in the orange totally mentions Soundquake. Soundquake sounds like a pretty cool name. Might be a tank, like Doomfist wouldv'e been a tank. It would be cool to have a new tank, we only have 5, but then we only have 4 support characters. So a support or tank character would be the ideal image. We did recieve Ana not too long ago as support, but again, we only have 4.

There is Athena, who is the voice of Overwatch that you hear when you win, loose, enter a board, or 'Attack commencing in 30 seconds'. If that didn't help you know who I am talking about, she's Winston's AI that helps him do the amazing. In one of the overwatch pictures we do see a female robot, well we see alot of unfamiliar faces in that picture, but Athena stands out, because she's not faded away in the background, we can actually see her. She might be a new support? I'm not sure. Anyways, in all the official Overwatch art, there are new faces that we haven't seen in gameplay, so there are numerous of possibilities of all kinds of new characters that I cannot wait to see.
Again, the possibilities are so great, and Kaplan said they're working on a plethera of new heroes, so yes, there's going to be the New 24th! But there is also going to be a 25th, and 26th! There's going to be a bunch of new heroes, and am I excited!! Tell me your theories on the new hero! I want to know!!
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