I'm gonna say now, I am a huge fan of The Last of Us, loved every second of the bloody, emotional, game. If you don't know what The Last of Us is, then you're missing out on a well put together stress of apocalyptic, exploration, first person survival shooter-puzzle horror game. I don't know if I got those genres right, but that's what it felt like to me. If you haven't played the game and want to, (I
highly reccommend it) then stop right here and go play, because here comes some major
It was cute |
Anyways, this will contain all the gaming content including Left Behind, yay...also the new trailer for The Last of Us II. IM SO PUMPED!! Naughty Dog did an amazing job with the story, and I gotta say, I appreciated the graphics. The game starts in Austin Texas where the infected are spreading the virus from door to door. Joel, a father to Sarah and an older brother to Tommy, was higly inpacted by the sudden events. On the way to a safe zone, Sarah was shot by some soldier, not killed by the infected, but shot by a soldier..humans, I swear. The emotion of the game starts when Sarah dies in Joel's arms, I didn't just tear up, I cried. The mix of the sad music and seeing a dad cry made me cry, and I'm not a crier.
^The Emotion Starts Here^ |
Joel took his daughter's death hard as the game advances. We can see his nostalgia of him missing Sarah mix in with him escorting Ellie (the cure to the virus), to the Fireflies, (a group of military people). Ellie is a 14 year old girl who's never been outside, has bad language, (who cares in the apocalyspe anways), and is very rebellious, but she has a big heart. She's lost all of the people she's cared about including her best friend Riley who is introduced in the DLC, Left Behind. Now she and Joel work together to get to the fireflies so she can become an anitidote to the rapid virus that's infecting the whole world. When we first meet Ellie, she's rebellious, annoying, rude, she's kind of a bitch that you want to knock out at times, but Joel never did, he has a high rate of tolerance, he can deal with the brat. So yeah, when they first meet, they can't stand each other, but the character development in this game will make you think that they have been an amazing family since day one. I think the bond between Ellie and Joel is unbreakable. One way we can see their father/daughter relationship is when Ellie is hacking David's (guy who kidnapped her for killing his men) face off. Joel recovers from a fatal wound and runs to rescue her, when he finds her brutally murdering the poor cannibal. He then pulls her off of the now dead David, and consoles her. Joel holds her and calls her 'Baby girl', That moment had all the fans in tears. Well, me atleast, and again, I am not a crier.
Im not crying, YOU ARE! |
Naughty Dog's intentions for the first game was to develope and establish the father/daughter bond between Joel and Ellie, and man did they do a great job with that task.
Throughout the story, we're picking up bricks and mosltavs, wooden planks and occasionally a torch gun to plow through the many infected and annoying clickers, and even some bloaters. We're bashing in heads and blasting off limbs with our shotty, blood splattering everywhere through the process. We're shivving and stomping and punching and scoping and throwing nail bombs, the action never stops! Joel will do anything to get to his destination, he's just that badass. The reason I love Joel as a character is simply his badassness, his perserverance, his persistancy and care for Ellie. He plucked her right out of the Firefly HQ and shot Marlene twice, one bullet in the gut and one straight through her head. Joel is a fearless man with a mindset to get to where he's going. The only thing he fears is the loss of Ellie, and the drive of keeping her safe is just enough to get him through the treachorous days of the apocalyspe.
Ahh yess, the adrenalin |
So if you're a fan of Tlou, then you might of heard of the Tlou 2, which has got me so hype right now!!!! I've watched theories, and the trailer a countless number of times. I'm so hyped, I actually cannot wait. So lets discuss, but before, if you havent seen the trailer, go to Youtube and watch it NOW! Ok, back now? Were you amazed? Did anyone get nostalgic? I sure did, I teared up. Anyways, I watched it a couple of times, (More than 12 times). So the trailer starts with various scenes of the beautiful, but eerie environment of the 5 year later continutions of the terrible apocalyspe. There were a couple of scenes of the first few seconds that I wanna pay attention to, first:
Infected Bear Claws? |
We have a tree with 3 visible scratches imbeded into the side, and according to IGN's theory, they say that the infection mutated even further. Also notice the spores on the tree, (The tiny white dots) so maybe the virus did mutate, the infected have become a lot stronger and can scratch through trees (Wolverine anyone?), but also, I was thinking maybe the animals could have been infected too. Anyone recall that movie called "I am Legend", with Will Smith? Well, remember the mutated dogs? Maybe it happened in the game. A huge bear got a whif of the lovely spores, and BAM! You have a mutated zombie bear ready to kill everything in its way. If they do bring new types of infected to the game, well I am more than excited to see what they will be. But that's just one of my theories. Another picture that I paid close attention to, and everyone else I hope was:

Yup, indeed, the Fireflies. So the Fireflies have bases all over the US, and obviously the setting of the trailer is in one of the Fireflies bases. I am Captain Obvious. Anyways, as the screen goes black, and cast Naughty Dog's amazing logo on the screen, we cut to a shaky hand with scars and blood. The hand then gets in control of itself before stroking the guitar. If we're smart, we can conclude that it is Ellie, now knowing how to play a guitar and assuming it was Joel who taught her. That theory is from when Joel had told her that if they get out of transferring her to the Fireflies alive, he would teach her how to play. Obviosly he did teach her. Refferencing to IGN's pair of eyes again, they say that the mutation of the infection could be effecting Ellie, and that's why she has shaky hands. If the infection did mutate, she could turn. I hope it doesn't make Ellie turn, but instead make her even stronger to the virus. Yo, if Ellie turns, I will riot. Anyways, another scene I have inspected was the bit eon her neck:
That one single tear though |
Oh gosh, what bit her...I'm worried, maybe it was a mutated infected if the theories are correct. If so, Ellie for sure has the mutated infenction running through her veins, but over all, she looks alright, but the bite looks fairly new. After a few seconds of amazing singing from Ellie, we veer away to a bloody hand. Assuming that Ellie killed that guy, we can see why she's kind of cut up. In that scene, we can also see a sihlouette of a person! Who can it be???
Well, if you guessed Joel, you're correct. Now I have mixed feelings on the theories of Joel. I don't want to believe anything I hear on Joel for the new game.
Angel much? |
So the popular fan's theory of Joel's character is that he is indeed dead. Gosh I hope you all are wrong. Even IGN thinks it is true, it's just a theory though. Anyways I don't think he's dead at all, we're just possibly gonna be playing as Ellie, she's the main character now, Joel is alright guys...no worries right? Ok there are several reasons people think he's dead, well one reason: The Fireflies were after Ellie, and probably killed him in the process of trying to get her. Another reason; he enters the trailer behind a bright light, is this an angel refference? We also don't see his face at all, and if you pay even more attention, we see his clothes don't have a single scratch, tear, burn, rip, blood, or anything! Looks like Joel took his clothes to the cleaners! Also his skin is nice and clean too. Even his leather shoes are shined. This is in contrast to Ellie's appearence. She is cut up, and there's blood dripping from her face, and her clothes are stained from battles, and her shoes are dirty. Why isn't Joel equivelant? Well folks, truth may be, Joel might just be a figure of Ellie's imagination. And what makes it even more true, is Joel never asked if Ellie was alright, like it's normal for dead people to be in the house. I don't know, maybe after 5 years it is, but it's all just a bit off. Ellie responds to Joel in anger saying she will "Find them and kill them all." Who is she killing? What did they do to her that made her so mad and seek vengance? Well theory, Fireflies is who she's gonna kill, and the only thing I can think that made her that mad, is that they killed the only person she cared about, Joel.

Oh man, the hate in her eyes are real guys. She means business. Honestly maybe she isn't even talking about the Fireflies, she's possibly talking about the infected, or something else. No, it's more than likely the Fireflies, I'm just trying to convince myself that Joel is still alive in this one. If he dies I will riot. But, if it to be true, then I will give Naughty Dog a chance to see what else they have in store for the game without Joel. To make this treachorous theory even more convincing, we can see Ellie is wearing a familiar shirt; again, IGN has made an amazing point. It is a small detail in the trailer, but it could lead to the thought that Ellie is indeed in her own mind.

She is so taken over by the events of her loved one's dying that in her visions, she's wearing Riley's shirt, and 'talking' to Joel. I'm denying all of these theories on Joel's death by the way, but it seems like it could be true guys. I hope not. I know a new year just begun, but, I cannot wait till 2018 for this game. I'm itching to be in the apocalyspe emotional adventure again. This game has done wonders on me, made me feel some type of emotion I thought I couldn't feel from video games. And to tell you guys the truth, I am not an apocalyspe fan, but this game makes me want to see more of it's kind. So yes, I will watch The Walking Dead. Haha, anyways, I am more than over hyped for this game, and man am I ready to get into it again.
HERE are the links to the videos if you need them:
TLOU Teens React (For those who don't want to play, here's their
playlist, they're also playing tlou 2 soon, here's their
reaction to the new trailer)
TLOU 2 Trailer
IGN's Breakdown
Tlou 'Left Behind'
Through the Valley